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Help Musicians Scotland Free Online Event: Guest Blog Glasgow Music Walking Tours

Thanks to Étáin Sweeney from Help Musicians Scotland for getting touch to let us know about a free online event for anyone working in the music industry on Wednesday 28th July, 1.15pm.  It’s not unusual to feel anxious at the thought of returning to ‘normality’ and the session explores how to face the unique challenges that come with a career in the sector. The session will explore how to maintain your mental wellbeing through the tough times, what it means to be resilient and help you identify the coping strategies that work best for you.  You can register for free here:
Over to Étáin

a woman holding a book

Working in the music industry can be an exciting and rewarding experience. However, the long periods of time spent on the road away from family and friends, financial insecurity, fierce competition, and criticism on social media can have a very real impact on your ability to fully engage with and enjoy what you do, as well as affecting your mental health. During these past twelve months in particular, we’ve all seen how important it is to know how to harness mental resilience in the face of uncertainty and hardship.

At Help Musicians, we have spent the past 100 years as a charity supporting musicians through times of opportunity and of need. We want to help you build the mental resilience you need to face these challenges, so we are inviting anyone working in the Scottish music industry to join us for a free online session on Wednesday 28th July, 1.15pm to learn how to face these challenges and maintain your mental wellbeing through the tough times.

In our online session, accredited wellness professional Dr Carole Pemberton will explore what it means to be resilient, help you identify the coping strategies that work best for you and develop the ability to monitor your resilience on a daily basis.

As we gradually move out of lockdown and live performance becomes a regular occurrence once more, these coping strategies will help you maintain your mental resilience through this period of change and into the future, whatever your role in the music industry. You can register for this free session here.

Throughout this time of transition for the Scottish music sector, our dedicated mental health support line Music Minds Matter continues to be accessible for anyone in the music industry who needs it on 0808 802 8008, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.