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Tigermilk Owners’ Club: members wanted

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As we mentioned a few weeks back, we’ve had the bright idea of launching the Tigermilk Owners’ Club. We’re doing this to mark the 20th anniversary of Belle and Sebastian releasing their debut album.

Inspired by the fabled Blue Monday Owners’ Club, we want owners of the original Tigermilk vinyl album to send us pics of yourselves holding your prize possession. When we have enough of them, we will fire up the Tigermilk Owners’ Club page on this site and display all the portraits.

Only a thousand copies of the original were released way back in 1996. It’s a big ask but we’re hopeful that we will hear from a good proportion of their current owners.

We hate to generalise but we suspect that many B&S fans are quite shy sorts who might bridle at the idea of revealing their Tigermilk vinyl to the world along with their faces. That’s OK. We don’t need to see your faces.

Tell us your Tigermilk tale

Just a pic of you holding the album with a note of your name and where in the world you live. If you send us a pic of your album in isolation, it will look just like everybody else’s copy. We need context for this to work.

If you want to tell us a story about how you came to be a Tigermilk owner then we would love to hear it. Pics and a line or two would be great. Please, send them to

Check out some early contributors.

Mark Davison


I wanted to claim I found this record leaning up against a tenement block on Bentinck Street, Glasgow, on a summer evening in 1996. But that’s not true. The first version I had was on a C90 cassette, a gift from a friend who’d taped an original copy he’d chanced upon while house-sitting. This was very exciting as it was about a year before the re-release. The original I bought on Discogs last year. It’s the most expensive LP I’ve ever bought and I’ve only played it twice. It was worth it though, it’s a lovely LP, a piece of history from my favourite band. I’ve the Jeepster version too and that’s been played countless times.’ Mark Davison


“I am Japanese, I am 4 years old. I got given this LP by my father.” Pooqx

Marguerite Ann Krenkel with her copy. Sent by Nate Krenkel New Paltz NY

Fiona Shepherd

‘It’s probably sacrilege to admit this, but I don’t remember exactly how I bagged my copy of Tigermilk. Stuart Murdoch gave me a temporary loan of a white label so I could give the album a listen with a view to writing about the band in The List. According to Paul Whitelaw’s B&S book, Just A Modern Rock Story, The List was the only publication to actually review Tigermilk, so I may have been sent a press copy in order to do that review, or perhaps I snaffled one of the discs at the Cava Studios album launch party…’ Fiona Shepherd, Glasgow

Jonathan Trew

‘I always take my memories of the Nineties with a pinch of salt but I know that I would have come by my copy of Tigermilk via The List offices in Edinburgh. I think I was compiling the music listings for Edinburgh when it came out and there were a couple of copies of the album floating about. Not for long, as it turned out. Just listened to the album (CD version) again there. Expectations still makes me smile.’ Jonathan Trew, Edinburgh

Alison Stroak

‘There is some vagueness in our house about how we came by this so we are declaring joint custody, at least I am. We were at the launch at Cava so we think it came from there… Alison Stroak: Glasgow