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Barrowland Park

Barrowland Park at 8 Years Old-Guest Blog by Fans of Barrowland Park: Glasgow Music Walking Tours Blog

Our tour guests love our stop on Barrowland Park where, prompted by the names on Jim Lambie’s Album Pathway, they share stories of the gigs they’ve seen: it’s great storytelling. Last week, Barrowland Park celebrated its 8th birthday, having officially opened on 19 July 2014. Fans of Barrowland Park is a campaign group who promote…

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July 28, 2022

COP26 Stephen McRobbie of The Pastels on Barrowland Park: Glasgow Music Walking Tours Blog

As you can’t have failed to notice, Glasgow is hosting COP26. This got us thinking about the role music can play in promoting sustainability, and about how music links in with environmental and wellbeing themes. A good local example of this is one of our favourite stops on the tour, Barrowland Park, currently designated a…

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October 27, 2021

Happy 7th Birthday Barrowland Park Glasgow Music Walking Tours Guest Blog

Our tour guests love Barrowland Park and to celebrate the Park’s 7th birthday we’ve got a great blog from our good friends Fans of Barrowland Park   — and they’ve even managed to pull off a brilliant intro from none other than Bobby Gillespie!  To mark the occasion we’re gifting a copy of Utopian Ashes, the…

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July 19, 2021

Pathfinders: Celebrating the women on the Barrowland Park Album Pathway

Anyone who has taken our Merchant City Music Past and Present tour will already know how much we love Jim Lambie’s Album Pathway in Barrowland Park, which records the artists who have graced the Barrowland stage since its conversion to beloved gig venue in 1983. For International Women’s Day,  on Friday March 8th we want…

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March 7, 2019

Not Your Grandfather’s Scotland!

We were delighted to be invited to show our American friend Wade Holland around our fave musical landmarks in Glasgow, including The Barrowland Ballroom , Barrowland Park and King Tut’s all looking mighty fine on film – check it out below!

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March 5, 2019

Happy Birthday Barrowland Park: Guest blog by Fans of Barrowland Park

Thanks Glasgow Music City Tours for inviting us to write this blog. We’re Fans of Barrowland Park, a community group campaigning to save the park. If you haven’t been yet (and if not what have you been doing with your time..?), Barrowland Park sits a few hundred metres along from the Barrowland Ballroom, in the…

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August 2, 2018

Barrowland Park Spring Clean 2018

We’d like to thank the Fans of Barrowland Park who gave the park a spring clean last weekend. With the help of a dedicated band of volunteers and the great team from Glasgow City Council, they sowed wild flowers, dug over the tree pits, topping with them up with mulch, and edged the grass borders….

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April 28, 2018